Technology as a Recruiting Tool

TalentSorter StaffEmployee Assessment Tools, Hiring for Fit, Hiring Tips, HR, Onboarding, Recruitment, Recruitment Tools

Most industries and business sectors, these days, use technology to improve productivity and accuracy. So it’s no surprise we find tech becoming ever more deeply involved in HR, recruiting and talent acquisition. Using much of the same information and similar techniques to those used to predict consumer behavior and find the right “audience” to buy your product, employers can parse … Read More

Hiring a Software Engineer? Here’s Your Ideal Candidate According to Behavioral Science

TalentSorter StaffHiring for Fit, Hiring Tips, Ideal Candidate Report

software engineer traits for hiring

This is part of a series about “ideal candidates”. We take a position, run it through TalentSorter’s scientific algorithm, and provide you with the behavioral characteristics of an “ideal candidate” (note: download the full report at the bottom of the post). Because of the way TalentSorter has been designed, it is able to compare the personality traits and other attributes … Read More