I Hate Hiring? If you ever muttered (or shouted) “I hate hiring!” – you are not alone.

TalentSorter StaffEmployee Assessment Tools, Hiring for Fit, Hiring Tips, Interview Questions, Job Postings, Recruitment, Recruitment Tools, Resumes

If the process of hiring is your worst nightmare, or if you’ve ever hired a dud before, we know how you feel. Because we’ve all done it too – either we’ve ended up in a job that sounded great but it wasn’t, or, when doing the hiring, many of us have been misled by a candidate who seemed perfect but was anything but.

Dipping back into the hiring pool – wait too long and the good fish will be gone!

TalentSorter StaffEmployee Assessment Tools, Hiring Tips, HR Technology, Job Postings, Recruitment Tools, Remote Work

Covid has created an opportunity for companies that want to step up and bring new team members into their organization. When your community or region starts to open back up, everyone will be re-hiring. There are a few factors that need to be considered now so that you are not in the middle of the pack. Or worse – the last to post your jobs.

HR Technology Q & A – Part 2

TalentSorter StaffHiring for Fit, HR Technology, Recruitment, Recruitment Tools

hr tech part 2

Mason Stevenson, Editor for the HR Exchange Network, asks our own Jan van der Hoop about HR Tech, HR Digitial Transformation, AI, VR, and other emerging HR technologies in the workplace in part one of their interview. Check out part two of their interview below, and click here for part one. https://youtu.be/dniQy6tA55s Transcription: Mason: So let’s start with what you … Read More

Hiring? Here’s the #1 Predictor of Success

TalentSorter StaffEmployee Assessment Tools, Hiring for Fit, Hiring Tips, Recruitment Tools

Best Predictor for Hiring Success

Hiring an individual with relevant or direct experience and a degree should net you a successful employee–in a perfect world. In reality, however, there are many more factors that determine the performance level, longevity and ultimate success of an employee on your team. Human interpersonal relationships, which typically depend upon the company atmosphere, morale and culture, are huge determining factors. … Read More

Hiring a Senior Accountant? Here’s Your Ideal Candidate According to Behavioral Science

TalentSorter StaffEmployee Assessment Tools, Hiring for Fit, Hiring Tips, HR, Ideal Candidate Report, Recruitment, Recruitment Tools

This is the ninth blog in a series about “ideal candidates”. We take a position, run it through TalentSorter’s scientific algorithm, and provide you with the behavioral characteristics of an “ideal candidate” (note: download the full report at the bottom of the post). Because of the way TalentSorter has been designed, it is able to compare the personality traits and … Read More

Technology as a Recruiting Tool

TalentSorter StaffEmployee Assessment Tools, Hiring for Fit, Hiring Tips, HR, Onboarding, Recruitment, Recruitment Tools

Most industries and business sectors, these days, use technology to improve productivity and accuracy. So it’s no surprise we find tech becoming ever more deeply involved in HR, recruiting and talent acquisition. Using much of the same information and similar techniques to those used to predict consumer behavior and find the right “audience” to buy your product, employers can parse … Read More

Five Simple rules for the use of assessments in Selecting Employees

TalentSorter StaffEmployee Assessment Tools, Recruitment Tools

The candidate assessment marketplace is complex, with over 4500 products for you to choose from. While the vast assortment of candidate assessment tools and the claims made by vendors can be confusing, there are actually relatively few instruments that are valid for use in the process of screening people for jobs… Without getting too geeky about it, there are two … Read More

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: The dawning of a new paradigm in business

TalentSorter StaffEmployee Assessment Tools, Recruitment, Recruitment Tools

machine learning and hiring

The odds are that Amazon knows more about your Significant Other’s preferences than you do. That doesn’t make you inattentive, regardless what he or she might say; it makes you human. Algorithms and machine learning (where computers observe your behavior and form a constantly evolving picture based on your activity and the decisions you make, and then make predictions about … Read More