Hiring a Restaurant Manager? Here’s Your Ideal Candidate According to Behavioral Science

TalentSorter StaffIdeal Candidate Report

This is another blog in a series about “ideal candidates”.

This is another blog in a series about “ideal candidates”. We take a position, run it through TalentSorter’s scientific algorithm, and provide you with the behavioral characteristics of an “ideal candidate” (note: download the full report at the bottom of the post).

Because of the way TalentSorter has been designed, it is able to compare the personality traits and other attributes of an individual to those of people who have been high performers in a given role, and generate a FitScore™ that is a very accurate predictor of success.

Learn more about our behavioral hiring science here.

Ideal Candidate Traits: Restaurant Manager

Extraversion: Degree to which one requires social interaction and authority.

A Restaurant Manager position calls for people that display this trait like most people. The ideal candidate prefers to work in a group setting inwhich they have the opportunity to interact with others, but is able to work alone with limited contact for short periods of time.

Agreeableness: Tendency to be friendly, approachable, and easy to get along with.

This position calls for people that display this trait less prominently than most people. The ideal candidate sometimes finds it challenging to work with others and come to a consensus on a common goal.

Conscientiousness: Tendency to strive for perfection, sometimes at all costs.

This position calls for people that display this trait differently than most people. The ideal Restaurant Manager candidate usually develops a thorough plan before beginning a task.

Stability: Degree to which one reacts positively to negative or stressful situations.

Restaurant Manager positions call for people that display this trait more prominently than most people. The ideal candidate is usually objective in their decision making and actions, even in trying circumstances.

Openness: Willingness to try new ways of doing things.

This position calls for people that display this trait less prominently than most people. The ideal candidate favours traditional methods and familiarity, but will adapt to new methods when required.

Resolve: Willingness to work for the intrinsic benefit of work and its ability to enhance character.

Restaurant Manager positions call for people that display this trait differently than most people. The ideal candidate tends to be passionate about their work and get a lot of enjoyment and pleasure out of it.

Reliability: Tendency to behave in an uncompromising and consistently honest, moral, and ethical manner.

This position calls for people that display this trait differently than most people. The ideal Restaurant Manager candidate always follows through on their commitments to others to the extent they are in control of a situation.

Control: Tendency to take charge of people and situations. Leads more than follows. It is often associated with expressing confidence.

Restaurant Manager positions call for people that display this trait more prominently than most people. The ideal candidate often has a tendency to take charge and be the leader of a group.

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